Six people with “super-powers” that have put scientists in a dilemma. One of them “saw” the Moon

Six people with “super-powers” that have put scientists in a dilemma. One of them “saw” the Moon


Whether they’re scientists who can paint a masterpiece being blindfolded, geniuses who can perform complicated calculations that only computers can achieve or people who remember every detail of their lives, people with special abilities seem to be numerous in our society.

But the special powers owned by these six people, whose life stories are described in an article published on the website, go far beyond the comprehension of today’s scientists, although the researchers have studied such skills in recent decades.

Ingo Swann and remote viewing

The remote viewing refers to a person’s ability to describe an object with high accuracy, to hundreds of thousands of kilometers of where it’s located. This special power it’s not owned by a single person, but by many, and this a verified fact. CIA, NSA and Stanford University have collaborated in a study focused on psychic phenomena. The experiment, which lasted for over two decades, also included the remote viewing.

In those experiments, more people were able to describe different objects, located in separate rooms, but distant objects, located in areas where those people have never traveled.

Experts say that this “super-power” lies in the projection of consciousness outside the body and sending it far away from the physical location of the body.

As described in an article published in the Journal “Scientific Exploration”, one of the participants in the experiment, Ingo Swann, was able to “see” and describe a ring around Jupiter, that scientists had no idea existed at the time. Then, Ingo also managed to “see” the Moon and other strange phenomena, using his power within the realm of parapsychology.

Remote viewing is and has been used, over the last decades, by intelligence agencies, which have spent a lot of money, time and resources in research programs of this “super-power”.

Uri Geller and psychokinesis

Another impressive example comes from research conducted by physicist and aerospace engineer Jack Houck. Along with Colonel J.B. Alexander, Houck has undertaken a series of experiments to test the validity of psychokinesis (moving objects with the mind). In those experiments, participants were taught how to start their powers of psychokinesis, using various metal objects.

They have been able to bend those metal objects by the power of the mind, without applying any manual force on them. There have also been a range of reports about several individuals (most of them children) who were able to “teleport” whole physical objects, from one place to another.

A notable case is that of Uri Geller, who, while holding a lecture in the Capitol building in Washington, managed to bend a spoon in front of his guests, without applying any mechanical force on it. The spoon continued to bend even after Uri Geller has “left it” fall off the table and resumed his speech.

Whether some people thought it was a hoax, while others have questioned the validity of the experiment led by Uri Geller, the fact that the stream of consciousness has certain measurable effects on the material world was already firmly established, according to many scientists in the scientific literature.

The quantum double-slit experiment is just one example, among many others. Although scientists have noticed these types of events, they were unable to explain them.

Stephen Wiltshire

Stephen Wiltshire, diagnosed with autism when he was 3 years old, is an artist who draws and paints extremely detailed cityscapes. He has the ability to observe for a few seconds accurate photographs of cities and then reproduce them in his drawings with extraordinary precision. Stephen Wiltshire was able to draw from memory an aerial view of Singapore, in the smallest details.

Wim Hof, also known as “Iceman”

Wim Hof has sparked confusion among the scientific community when using only meditation, managed to stay submerged in ice for nearly two hours without his internal body temperature changing one bit. His success is remarkable, being part of an evidence series showing the important role that consciousness plays on how the human body reacts to various stimulus or various situations.

Having managed to keep his internal body temperature unchanged in that experiment, Wim Hoff has climbed Mount Everest in shorts, resisted successfully to the altitude sickness, ran the marathon in the Namib desert without drinking water and shown into a specialized medical laboratory  the fact that is able to control his own autonomic nervous system and immune system.

Buddhist monks

During a visit to remote monasteries in the 1980s, Harvard professor of medicine Herbert Benson and his team of researchers studied a group of monks from the Himalayas that could, by Tum-mo (a yoga technique), raise the temperature of their fingers and toes around 17 degrees Celsius. It’s a considerable temperature difference and it’s still unknown how the monks are able to generate such heat.

It doesn’t stop there, as the same researchers studied a group of Buddhist monks initiated into advanced meditation techniques in Sikkim, India, and they were astonished to find that these monks could lower their metabolism by 64 percent.

In 1985, Harvard University researchers have made a video recording of monks drying cold, wet sheets just by the heat generated by their bodies. Monks who spend winter nights sleeping outside at an altitude of over 4,500 meters in the Himalayas, are neither uncommon for residents of those areas.

Can yoga, meditation, and other similar practices unleash our inherent supernormal mental powers?

Daniel Tammet

In 2004, Daniel Tammet became widely known after he “recited” from memory the first 22,414 decimal places of the mathematical constant Pi (3.141592 …), in 5 hours and 9 minutes, without committing any error. The performance took place at the Museum of History of Science in Oxford and established a European record.

In the same year, Daniel Tammet was diagnosed with autistic savant syndrome. He can perform a number of complex mental tasks and learn with such a rapidity that a “normal” mind could not.

Such cases are common among people diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders, and Daniel Tammet says that the differences between savant and non-savant minds have been exaggerated by the medical industry representatives. According to him, those astonishing abilities are not the result of a genetic “quirk”, but rather the result of a rich and complex associative form of thinking and imagination.

He said that autistic thinking is actually an extreme variation of a kind of thinking that all of us do, whether it’s daydreaming or the use of puns and metaphors.

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